Can I receive emails with Resend?

Resend does not offer the functionality to receive email but there are a few workarounds that could help.

How do Dedicated IPs Work?

Learn how Dedicated IPs work and how to request them.

How do I avoid conflicts with my MX records?

Learn how to avoid conflicts with your existing MX records when setting up a Resend domain.

How do I avoid Gmail's spam folder?

Learn how to improve inbox placement in Gmail.

How do I avoid Outlook's spam folder?

Learn how to improve inbox placement in Outlook.

How do I ensure sensitive data isn't stored on Resend?

Information on how we can help you protect your customer’s information.

How do I fix CORS issues?

Information on recommended options to avoid CORS errors when sending emails.

How do I maximize deliverability for Supabase Auth emails?

Everything you should do before you start sending authentication emails with Resend and Supabase.

How do I send with an avatar?

Learn how to show your avatar in the inbox of your recipients.

Is it better to send emails from a subdomain or the root domain?

Discover why sending emails from a subdomain can be better than using a root domain.

What if an email says delivered but the recipient hasn't received it?

Learn the steps to take when an email is delivered, but the recipient does not receive it.

What if my domain is not verifying?

Learn what steps to take when your domain doesn’t seem to verifying.

What is Resend Pricing?

Learn more about Resend’s pricing plans.

Why are my open rates not accurate?

Learn why your open rate statistics are not accurate and what you can do about it.

How can I delete my Resend account?

Learn how to permanently delete your Resend account and data.

Should I add an unsubscribe link to all of my emails sent with Resend?

Learn when to add unsubscribe links to your transactional and marketing emails.

Why are my emails landing on the suppression list?

Learn why your emails land on the suppression list, and how to remove them.