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List of Subprocessors

  • Amazon Web Services, Inc. (USA): Third party hosting and sending provider
  • Cloudflare, Inc. (USA): Web application firewall
  • Datadog, Inc. (USA): Infrastructure monitoring
  •, Inc. (USA): Server hosting
  • Google, Inc. (USA): Email communications and analytics
  • HubSpot, Inc. (USA): Customer relationship management
  • Inngest Inc (USA): Background jobs
  • Metabase, Inc. (USA): Product analytics
  • Not Just Tickets Limited (USA): Support platform (Plain)
  • Railway Corporation (USA): Server hosting
  • Retool, Inc. (USA): Internal admin tools
  • Salesforce, Inc. (USA): Team communication (Slack)
  • Estuary Technologies, Inc. (USA): Data pipeline
  • Snowflake Inc. (USA): Data warehouse
  • Stripe, Inc. (USA): Payment processing
  • Mezmo, Inc. (USA): Logging and error tracking
  • Supabase, Inc (USA): Database and user authentication
  • Svix Inc. (USA): Webhook services
  • Vercel Inc. (USA): Server hosting
  • Tinybird Inc. (USA): Data analytics