How we think about swag

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Zeh Fernandes
Zeno Rocha

Creating company swag isn't just about visibility—it's about connection. It's a unique opportunity to extend the essence of our brand into items that both our team and customers will desire and use in their daily lives, not stash away in a drawer. Here are key considerations to help design the perfect swag.

Traditional swag often makes the mistake of being too logo-centric. It's about the vibe, not just the logo. Our swag should embody the brand's spirit—its tone, moments, and color schemes integrated subtly. This makes our merch feel less like an advertisement and more like a curated part of our community's lifestyle.

Photo from @tcosta_co
Photo from @tcosta_co

Quality matters

The choice of vendor says everything. Opt for those who align with our commitment to quality and aesthetics. This involves deep dives into reviews, sample evaluations, and vendor histories to ensure our swag is both appealing and durable.

Beyond the basics

Engage the audience with items that resonate with their lifestyles. Innovation doesn't always mean new; it means thoughtful. Think beyond standard corporate gifts—personalize, customize, play. The packaging is also super important, and it doesn't mean physical packaging.

Send it
Send it

Make it desirable

Great swag makes the receiver feel special and valued. When designed with care, these items not only promote the brand but also enhance the owner's pride in using/having them. This approach can lead to our swag being a talking point on social media or in casual street conversations.