How we think about design

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Zeh Fernandes

We are a team that appreciates quality and understands how design resonates through the entire lifecycle of the product, from the infrastructure to the final pixel that reaches the user. Here are the essential values for crafting design at Resend.

Be close to customers

"To find ideas, find problems. To find problems, talk to people."

― Julie Zhou

Our mission is to untangle the complexities of customer needs, crafting solutions not with embellishment but with precision and empathy. It's a dance with simplicity, where every step, every feedback loop is an opportunity to listen and improve the product.

Key points to keep in mind:

  • Use the product
  • Do customer interviews regularly
  • Work closely with the customer support team

Design is one

“In design, be logical, search for truth, be clear.”

― Massimo Vignelli

Borrowing the words from Vignelli, that define design as a thinking discipline above any style. We believe design is not just a step or something to be applied in the end; It's a holistic approach that acknowledges the important dialog between form and function, where every line of code contributes to the user's experience.

Key points to keep in mind

  • The codebase is the source of truth of design, not Figma

Craft is care

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

― William Morris

This is our ode to craftsmanship—where every line, every shade, is a testament to our dedication. Like the venerable artisans of the Arts and Crafts movement, we imbue our work with a spirit that seeks not just to exist but to endure, to stand time.

Key points to keep in mind

  • Work as close as possible to the final media
  • Every detail is an opportunity to delight the user

Solve the hard problems

"Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design."

― Charles Eames

Charles Eames once envisioned the designer as thoughtful hosts, anticipating the unseen and unspoken. We share this philosophy as we navigate design challenges, looking for profound solutions instead of superficial ones. Our focus is provide the right insight, in the right place, at the right time, rather than just adding another feature. It's a commitment to confront complexity with courage, armed with empathy and insight.

Key points to keep in mind

  • Explore the problem while designing
  • Cycle between different hats: the designer, the user, and the stakeholder