New Contact Webhooks

Receive real-time notifications when contacts are created, updated, or deleted.

Felipe VolponeFelipe Volpone

Webhooks are a powerful way to get more out of your email infrastructure.

You can already listen for events like email.delivered, email.bounced, email.opened, email.clicked, and more.

Now, you can also receive real-time notifications when contacts are created, updated, or deleted in your audiences.

What can you build?

There are many use cases for these new webhooks. Here are a few ideas:

  • Send a welcome email when a new contact is created
  • Store contact updates like when the user unsubscribes in your own database
  • Create Slack alerts when contacts are deleted
  • Sync contacts with your CRM

What are the event types?

The new contact webhooks support the following event types:

  • contact.created
  • contact.updated
  • contact.deleted

How to consume these events?

Let's say you want to be notified when a contact is unsubscribed from your list.

You can set up webhooks in the dashboard to listen for the contact.updated event type.

Once these webhooks are configured, you will receive a HTTP request with a payload that looks like this:

"type": "contact.updated",
"created_at": "2024-10-11T23:47:56.678Z",
"data": {
"id": "e169aa45-1ecf-4183-9955-b1499d5701d3",
"audience_id": "78261eea-8f8b-4381-83c6-79fa7120f1cf",
"created_at": "2024-07-10T15:11:94.110Z",
"updated_at": "2024-10-11T23:47:56.678Z",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Steve",
"last_name": "Wozniak",
"unsubscribed": true

What's next?

We are excited to see what you build with these new webhooks.

If you have any questions or ideas to make them better, please let us know.