Welcoming Krithika Yetchina, our new Customer Support Engineer

We're thrilled to share the news that Krithika Yetchina is joining Resend.

Jonni LundyJonni Lundy
Welcoming Krithika Yetchina, our new Customer Support Engineer

Everything we do has the goal of reducing friction for developers. We believe that Resend customers not only trust us with their emails but also with their time. That's why the entire team works on support tickets and customer issues.

Over the past two months, twice as many developers have started using Resend than before. This poses major scaling dilemmas, and while we're implementing many operational improvements, we also know that nothing replaces the care and creativity of a person. That's why we're thrilled to announce that Krithika Yetchina is joining Resend as a Customer Support Engineer.

Krithika has been helping developers for over 3 years at companies like Stacker and VIIZR. She's quick to show empathy, relentlessly curious about the root issue, and fearless in putting herself on the front line to help developers. We believe that with her help, Resend will continue to be the best email service for developers.

More about Krithika

How did you get into coding?

Growing up, both my parents were engineers in big tech, but I was convinced that I would become a neurosurgeon. I bought all of the Grey’s Anatomy books and watched open heart surgeries on Youtube. Once I found out that becoming a doctor in the US could take 8+ years, I knew I had to figure something else out for myself. (I didn’t like school too much!) The company my mom worked for was hosting a hackathon, and she suggested that I go to check it out. Something about the high energy and creative space just clicked for me, and I knew it would be the start of a new hobby (and career path!).

Why are you at Resend?

I feel passionate about tools and products that save people time, energy, and headaches. When I learned more about Resend, and saw the feedback that users had about the efficiency that Resend brought to them, I knew that I was going to enjoy working with the team. The attention to detail, paired with the dedication that the team has to ensuring that their end users are delighted is why I am so excited to embark on this journey with them.

Where do you find #inspiration?

Inspiration for me comes from my close friends and family. Everyone around me works so hard to follow their passions, dreams, and providing for their family and loved ones. I find that surrounding myself with individuals like these keeps me inspired to improve myself a little bit more everyday.

If you weren't helping developers, what would you be doing?

I would probably go into teaching and education for young adults in underserved communities, specifically in the tech space. I saw how having two parents create careers in technical spaces helped my family immensely, and I truly believe that the opportunities are just beginning.

What does your desktop screen look like?

Usually, I have a bunch of screenshots and files that flood my desktop, but I’m trying my absolute best to keep it as clean and minimal as possible.

Krithika's desktop
Krithika's desktop

Favorite tool?

My favorite tool has to be TickTick. This tool helps me organize my entire life from my personal to-dos, work tasks, and even habits! I love that I can access all of my day to day from any device seamlessly.

Favorite hotkey?

Command + Control + Shift + 4: This lets me take a screenshot on a Macbook, and automatically copies it to my clipboard. I find that I send screenshots to friends, family, and coworkers quite often so this helps make it efficient.

Favorite place to visit?

The grocery store! I love cooking for my friends and family, and I could spend endless hours browsing aisles, thinking of new recipes, and tinkering with unique ingredients. One thing I love doing when I travel out of the country is visiting supermarkets, and asking the staff what locals buy often, and then trying those new foods.

Advice for ambitious developer success engineers?

Find your “reason why”, and dig deep into it. In all honesty, programming and engineering didn’t click for me like I observed it did for my peers. I struggled in computer science classes, and was definitely feeling the impostor syndrome looming in my mind. What helped change my mindset and perspective was figuring out why I wanted to work with people and technology - I realized that I love helping people find tools, products, and automations that save them time and energy! It took me longer than I anticipated to find this motivation, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling stuck or lost. It still happens to this day, but my “reason why” is what helps me get back on my path.