Manage subscribers with Resend Audiences

Add, update, retrieve, and remove contacts without having to worry about the entire unsubscribe flow.

Bu KinoshitaBu Kinoshita
Manage subscribers with Resend Audiences

Managing subscribers and unsubscribers is a critical part of any email implementation. It's important to respect your users' preferences and ensure that they're receiving the right emails at the right time.

Today, we're excited to announce the launch of Resend Audiences, a new feature that allows you to manage your contacts in a simple and intuitive way.

Resend Audiences

These new capabilities include 9 new endpoints to the Resend API, which you can use to control audiences and contacts programmatically.

Resend Audiences Endpoints
Resend Audiences Endpoints

Import Contacts

To get started, you can add contacts manually or import them via CSV.

After you upload your CSV file, you'll be able to map the fields you want to use.

Currently, the supported fields are email, first_name, last_name, and unsubscribed.

Import Contacts via CSV

Add Contacts Programmatically

Instead of manually importing contacts, you can also add them programmatically.

You can leverage one of the Resend SDKs, including Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, and Java to add contacts to your audience.

Here's an example using the Node.js SDK:

import { Resend } from 'resend';
const resend = new Resend('re_123456789');
email: '',
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Wozniak',
unsubscribed: false,
audienceId: '78261eea-8f8b-4381-83c6-79fa7120f1cf',

If you prefer using the REST API directly, you can do that as well.

Here's an example using cURL:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer re_123456789' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $'{
"email": "",
"first_name": "Steve",
"last_name": "Wozniak",
"unsubscribed": false

Send emails to your Audience

Audiences were designed to be used in conjunction with Broadcasts.

You can send emails to your Audience by creating a new Broadcast and selecting the Audience you want to send it to.

Send emails to your Audience
Send emails to your Audience

You can include the Unsubscribe Footer in your Broadcasts, which will be automatically replaced with the correct link for each contact.

Unsubscribe Link
Unsubscribe Link

Automatic Unsubscribes

When you send emails to your Audience, Resend will automatically handle the unsubscribe flow for you.

If a contact unsubscribes from your emails, they will be skipped when sending a Broadcast.

Automatic Unsubscribes
Automatic Unsubscribes

We also include the proper unsubscribe headers automatically, according to Gmail and Yahoo’s bulk sending requirements for 2024.

List-Unsubscribe: <>
List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click

Get Started

Go to Audiences and start adding contacts today.

You can get started with 1,000 contacts for free.

Once you're ready to upgrade, you can get a paid plan starting at $40/mo for 5,000 contacts. See Pricing for all the different tiers.