Improving Time to Inbox in Asia

We're excited to announce more efficient sending support for Asia users.

Krithika YetchinaKrithika Yetchina
Improving Time to Inbox in Asia

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Tokyo region, bringing faster and more reliable time to inbox to our customers in Asia.

This addition complements our existing regions in Europe (Ireland), South America (Brazil), and North America (US).

With the Tokyo region, customers can now choose the nearest server location for optimized email sending. This means that no matter where your users are, you can be assured that they receive your emails in an efficient manner.

Here's how you can visualize the different regions in the Resend dashboard:

List of domains on each region

Why is this important?

Especially for transactional emails like magic links, password resets, and welcome messages, users expect to receive them right away. If they don't, they might not be able to access your service right away, which could be a missed opportunity for your organization.

Here are some of the other benefits of using our multi-region email sending feature:

  1. Faster delivery: By sending emails from the region closest to your user, you can reduce latency and ensure a faster time-to-inbox. This can be the difference between people using/buying your product or not.
  2. Easier account management: Instead of having to maintain different accounts for each region, we're providing multi-region within the same account. That way, you aren't juggling different login credentials.
  3. Increased resilience: In case of disruption in one region, our multi-region feature enables you to send emails from a backup domain in a separate region, guaranteeing maximum uptime.

How to use it

Each domain in Resend must specificy a region upon creation. To start using our Tokyo region email sending, go to Domains, and choose the option to add a new domain. Then, select the Tokyo region from the drop down.

Select a region when adding a domain

How about data residency?

We understand that there's an increasing complexity around data processing due to different privacy laws. Even though we're enabling our customers to send emails from different regions, we are not changing our data residency policy.

All of our customers' data will still be stored in the United States.

Need a specific region?

If you need a specific region that we don't currently support, or you would like to migrate your domains to another region, please contact support and we can chat more about helping you with your specific needs.