How we receive feedback

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Krithika Yetchina
Jonni Lundy
Zeno Rocha

Receiving and acting on user feedback is key to our development process. Here's how we make sure that every piece of feedback is valued and utilized to improve our product.

Logging Feedback

We make sure that all user feedback is logged using Linear.

Every piece of feedback provided by users is logged into Linear and linked back to the original ticket. Tagging each feedback request helps us track how many people are asking for features in the product and also helps us follow up with the user for further questions on their use case and need for that feature. This process allows us to track the progress of each feedback item from submission to resolution.

Internal Advocacy

Feedback is a critical part of our team syncs.

During our weekly all-hands meetings, we report on the feedback received from the previous week, paying special attention to issues with a high volume of tickets. This transparency ensures that the entire team is aware of what users are saying and which areas require our immediate attention. By integrating user feedback into our engineering cycle, we prioritize improvements that matter most to our users.

Closing the Loop

Users are personally updated once their feedback is implemented.

Once changes and features are implemented, we ensure that we update the users who provided that feedback, let them know about the updates in detail, and invite feedback. This helps us let our users know that their feedback is invaluable and maintain a continuous dialogue on how to evolve Resend further to be better for their needs.

Our approach to receiving feedback is built around the belief that user insights are crucial to our product development process. By logging, discussing, and acting on user feedback, we foster a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that our products and services evolve in ways that truly meet our users' needs and expectations.