
To get the most out of this guide, you’ll need to:

1. Install

2. Send emails using HTML

In the startup of your application, configure the DI container as follows:

using Resend;

builder.Services.Configure<ResendClientOptions>( o =>
    o.ApiToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "RESEND_APITOKEN" )!;
} );
builder.Services.AddTransient<IResend, ResendClient>();

Send an email using the injected IResend instance:

using Resend;

public class FeatureImplementation
    private readonly IResend _resend;

    public FeatureImplementation( IResend resend )
        _resend = resend;

    public Task Execute()
        var message = new EmailMessage();
        message.From = "";
        message.To.Add( "" );
        message.Subject = "hello world";
        message.HtmlBody = "<strong>it works!</strong>";

        await _resend.EmailSendAsync( message );

3. Try it yourself