There are two ways to send attachments:

  1. From a remote file
  2. From a local file

We currently do not support sending attachments when using our batching endpoint.

Send attachments from a remote file

Include the path parameter to send attachments from a remote file. This parameter accepts a URL to the file you want to attach.

Define the file name that will be attached using the filename parameter.

Send attachments from a local file

Include the content parameter to send attachments from a local file. This parameter accepts the Base64 encoded content of the file you want to attach.

Define the file name that will be attached using the filename parameter.

Attachement Limitations

  • Emails can be no larger than 40MB (including attachments after Base64 encoding).
  • Not all file types are supported. See the list of unsupported file types.
  • Emails with attachments cannot be scheduled.
  • Emails with attachments cannot be sent using our batching endpoint.
